
Thursday, November 8, 2012

                                           The caterpillar  - (in Khasi "U Niangwan") turned into a beautiful butterfly

                           A small stream flowing below the bridge. It dries up during winter but come  monsoons, it's a different story .
                                                       One more shot of the bridge.

                                              Spread your wings and prepare to fly

                                            Living Root Bridge located in Riwai, a nearby village.

                                   The entrance -The whole village looks like a small garden.
                                              Mawsiang at the foot of the Skyview

                                                        Rain water collected in bamboo

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

                                           And another

                                                                 Itsy Bitsy spider

                                       Another shot of the Skyview

                                        SkyView. This amazing structure made of bamboo and twine only was made on the branches of trees. Nails were not used. When you walk up and down the whole thing creaks and you feel as if it will crumble to the ground. On a clear day, you can see Bangladesh.

Porch behind one of the rooms rented to tourists. The entire structure is supported on wooden stilts.I love the bottled-up light bulb suspended from that tree. It gives the surroundings a very nice and warm feeling.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

                                               Love this

                               In Khasi we call this "Ka Khoh". It is actually a long
                               basket used for caryying wood and other necessities
                               to and fro, usually in villages. Nowadays, as you can
                               see, they are being used for garbage disposal.

                                            Mini train tracks.


                                           The rides

                                            Giraffe in the middle!!!

                                          Mini Train ride.

                                                       Light my way!!

Oh Spring sunshine!! The warmth of your embrace melts away winter's numbness....
The sun casting it's early morning rays on a frost covered field.

A cold and dark April morning.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

dried leaves, branches to keep the fire blazing....

The sun peeking from behind the clouds!!!!

Laitlyngkot - A foggy day last April

The abode of Clouds!!!!